The other day a corporate marketing pro posed a pointed question to me: “My company creates lots of videos – sales videos, training videos, investor videos, recruitment videos, orientation videos and more. Plus we have a Website. Why do we need a brand video?”

Good question, no doubt. To which I responded with what I think was an equally good answer—my list of the top three reasons your company ought to consider creating a brand video:

  • A recent Pew Research survey revealed that 86 percent of individual and business consumers prefer to get their information and entertainment via video. So if your branding campaign doesn’t feature a video component aimed at raising customer awareness and energizing employee buy-in, awareness and buy-in might not be raised and energized effectively.
  • New studies also show that these same consumers (especially those under 40) want to do business with companies that share their personal values. A brand video lays out exactly why a company exists, what it believes in, how it’s different and why anyone should care – thereby empowering that brand’s alignment with its target market.
  • Brand videos, when strategized effectively, provide a variety of elements for other videos, thereby allowing your company to amortize the cost of the original production well into the future.

Our Special Brand of Brand Videos

As you might have guessed, Beard Boy specializes in brand videos, produced for clients of all sizes across America—created by Emmy-winning documentarians and CLIO-winning producers that effectively, compellingly bring your company’s story to life. What’s best, our exclusive Shoot & Repurpose™ strategy give you additional versions for social media, at no extra cost.

Can we take 15 minutes to demonstrate how we partner with smart marketers like you nationwide? Why not contact us to set up a call?

Special incentive: Ask us about special pricing on our video subscription service and/or our productivity-building, collaborative and secure video asset management system.