It’s an irony for the ages: Over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is water, yet over 2 billion of our planet’s people lack access to clean and safe drinking water, according to a new United Nations report.

Closer to home, the fight for water rights and water access is pitting states against states, cities against cities, even townspeople against farmers. As the battle rages on, the need for factual information and clear strategies for resource allocation has never been greater.

The Thirst for Truth

Working with the Imperial County Farm Bureau, we at Beard Boy’s Adsmith division immersed ourselves in the issue, and emerged with a video-based advocacy program designed to demonstrate how local farmers efficiently utilize and collaboratively share the water they channel from the Colorado River with the burgeoning populations of the Southwest. To view the latest installment of our series, view below:

Advocacy = Influence


Adding perspective to an issue. Making the arcane understandable. Changing hearts and minds. Our advocacy strategies are helping impact societal causes across the nation. We’re eager to take on your cause, as well. Contact us for details.